Lots of news and updates!!!
- SCENE PREP: Almost time to start the art for Issue #1, with the characters and locations is great shape I spent time preparing default scene workspaces. These are Photoshop files dedicated to specific locations, with posable characters at the ready... When roughing out the panel composition these workspaces will make the process alot more efficient.
An example of a workspace for locations within the 'Emergency Station' are below...

- COMIC FORMAT: With the production machine almost built one of the last things to look at is the comic document as a whole.... what is a typical 'page one' template, what about internal cover pages, the back cover, etc. The goal is add in some extra features from a bygone era that just don't appear in comics these days - like activity stuff similar to the back of a cereal box or a fast food play mat (character cuts outs, mazes, colouring things, etc) all with a modern, LSL twist.
- LAUNCHING VERY SOON!!!: Earlier in the year I mentioned playing around with A.I. story generators to make 'oddly compelling kids book' stories featuring Mr Chuckles. More to be on the website soon, I'll upload 3 in quick succession around the end of September, then one a week for roughly a year.
These videos will be short, to the point and encourage engagement via audience suggestions/prompts for future stories.

- MINI OVERHAUL: In the next week a revised and refreshed website will go live. Stay tuned.
- NEW DESIGN SESSION FORMAT: The design sessions have been a nice way to demonstrate progress in the character designs, but nearly all the characters are done and to be honest, I'm really getting into the swing of designing weird and wonderful folks - so I'm gonna keep doing it. The time lapses are neat, but out of context it's unlikely I'll get solid engagement (I knew that because there wasn't going to be a real emotional impact with the 'Design Session' format).
So to change it up I'll soon be pausing the design sessions and posting 'fan art designs' or 'Style Files' inspired by upcoming games, shows, movies and pop culture stuff.

These should help SEO, stretch my conceptual design skills and encourage conversation around future installments. The format has a few additional bells and whistle beyond the 'Design Sessions', and from the several already prepped they're turning out to either be 'dressing LSL characters in a theme' (example below) or 'exploring a different take on concepts within the theme'.
Above is for the upcoming 'Book of Boba Fett' - Bookie, dressed as Boba Fett's book, is on a galactic mission to capture the Alphabet and return them to their pages. And of course, he does everything by the book.
