Following on from the previous post on prepping 3D assets, it's time to play with textures. The files below came with the asset previously downloaded in step 10. They are:

: .PNG: the object texture
: .MTL: ignore this, it's a texture file for .3DS objects
:.OBJ: this is the 3D object file
:.RAR: the zip file all of these came from, downloaded from Turbosquid
: Metal.PNG, Normal.PNG, Rough.PNG: these are all lighting and surface maps that can be used in a variety of programs to give objects greater realism. Tabletop Simulator will accept these file types.
You can download this asset here if you haven't already.
If these files are in the same folder as the 3D object file, the textures will often automatically import when you import the .OBJ. Since this doesn't always happen let's run through the process of manually importing a texture into the software we discussed in the previous post - Fragmotion.
- Importing a Texture. In the Model Panel on the right; select 'Material -->New'; select 'Texture --> New'; right click the new texture and select 'Open Texture' then choose the texture file from wherever it's located on your computer; grab the new texture and drag it onto the new material; now we need to select all faces using the 'Select Face' tool in the bottom right panel; tick the box marked 'Back Faces'; now mouse drag over the object; go to 'Texture' in the top left menu; select 'Assign Material to Selection; choose the new material, click okay. And your done.
- Modifying the Texture. In this case we're going to add a 'skull and crossbones' to the bomb. You can modify the base texture using any image editor. My editor of choice is Photoshop. Just open Photoshop; drag your texture file in; modify it (this is sometimes an artform in itself); export the file --> ideally as a .JPG
- Updating the Object's Texture in Fragmotion. Go to the Model panel in the top right of Fragmotion; right click on the texture; select 'Refresh Texture'. You'll then see the texture updated in the main window.
From here you can export the .obj file and you're ready to import the object into Tabletop Simulator.... which we'll cover next time.

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